Lime and Gypsum Use
- Where can I find suppliers of lime & gypsum?
- What is good quality lime?
- Why do you recommend gypsum when I have high sodium in my soils?
- Why do you recommend two types of lime, calcitic and dolomitic lime in the same field? Can’t I use only one of them?
- What is gypsum?
- When is the right time to apply gypsum and how is it applied?
- Why do you recommend gypsum for soil fertility correction? Is there an alternative if I can’t get gypsum?
- Can lime and fertilizer be applied at the same time?
- My soil pH is fine but you are still recommending lime! Why?
- What is lime?
- When should I apply lime?
- My soil pH is too high. How can I reduce it into the optimum range?
- Should I test the lime quality before use?
- Which type of lime should I use and how is it applied?
- Should I apply the amount of lime recommended on my soil report before every crop?
- How often should I apply the lime recommendation on the soil report?