How to read your soil analysis report


Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services soil test reports are designed to be easy to interpret: the report is divided into 2 pages with 3 parts, i.e.

  • Soil status part 
  • Soil correction/amendment recommendations and
  • Fertilizer recommendation section.

This is on the first page of our soil test report and is color coded, i.e. red and green colors are used. Red  is used on either side of green to symbolize deficiency and /or excess levels, while Green symbolizes ideal/optimum ranges.

 Fig. 1: Page 1, Soil Status. 

As in the figure above; parameter refers to what is tested, Unit refers to any division of quantity accepted as a standard of measurement, Result refers to the actual tested outcome and is color coded based on the Guides followed. Guide low and Guide high are used to determine the relevance and level of the 'result' as deficient or excess.

We can therefore say that the 'Result' represents the status of a tested soil sample and the colors represent a pictorial overview of the soil condition.

2. Soil Correction Recommendation.

Continued indiscriminate use of fertilizers by farmers over the years has led to nutritional imbalances in soils. This has led to low yields despite increased fertilizer use by farmers. 

It is with this background that CNLS aims to help farmers improve their soil conditions by improving nutrient availability and soil nutrition balancing. Based on plant available nutrient levels depicted on the first page, we formulate a program aimed at balancing the parameters at the green 'ideal' level. 

These recommendations are given to farmers in specific quantities, time of application and the reasons behind their suggestions. Additionally, we further link farmers to their closest distributors through our novel farm inputs directory,

 Fig 2: Page 2 , Soil fertility correction and fertilizer program recommendations. 

3. Fertilizer Recommendation.

Over and above advising farmers on how to correct their soils, we also advise on type and amount of fertilizer to use based on crop type and expected yields. In our calculations we factor:- crop nutrient uptake , possible nutrient losses, type of soil, expected yield amongst others.

The recommendations though given after soil testing, they stipulate chronological times and quantities to be applied. 

Additional information such as relevance of these applications is somewhat explained on the same page.

For more information please contact us through:

Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd.

Off Limuru Road, Limuru, Kenya

Telephone +254 (0) 711094444, + 254 (0) 720 839 933

Email (View on Google Maps), Kenya

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