Soil sampling procedure for Coffee

How to take a soil sample in a coffee field 

Equipment Needed

1.                 Sample bags(we can supply at no charge)

2.                 Auger or shovel

3.                 Bucket

4.                 Sample submission forms (please request these from us)

5.                 Field logbook

6.                 Labels or marker pens


1. Clear the area weeds and debris prior to collecting samples. 

2. Collect sample between rows and not at the root of the plant. 

3. Turn the auger clockwise and lower it to the neck

4. Uplift the auger with all its content of soil and put it in a bucket. 

5. Mix the soil in the bucket thoroughly and properly to obtain a uniform soil mixture after collecting from all the composite cores.

One sample should consist of about 20 cores taken from the set area.The sample zones should be of similar characteristics and more or less uniform in slope direction, vegetation, management practices and cultivated area and crops. It is recommended that the cores be taken from the area in a zig zag pattern as shown below:

  1. Different tools such as a soil sampling tube,soil auger,or spade may be used to take soil samples.Do not use galvanized,soft steel or brass equipment if trace metal analyses are desired.  Clean all tools between sampling.
  2. Avoid taking samples from areas such as lime piles, fertilizer spills, ant hills,  gate areas,livestock congregation areas,poorly drained areas,dead furrows,fertilizer bands,old fence rows,or any other unusual areas.

The quality of any analysis is directly related to how well the sample is collected.

For more information please contact us through:

Crop Nutrition Laboratory Services Ltd.

Off Limuru Road, Limuru, Kenya

Telephone +254 (0) 711094444, + 254 (0) 720 839 933


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